Monday, November 29, 2004

Fat Man Shuffle, Part 3

Ouch. I woke up the next morning a bit sore. I had to fly out that evening to Atlanta. Luckily, it was a Monday night flight and the plane was empty. I stretched across 3 seats and made it through the flight. The trick is to keep moving. If I sat for more than 10 minutes, my legs would freeze up. It would then take about 2 minutes of walking to feel normal again.

I spent the next day in workshops where I had to sit in meetings all day. Breaks were comical as I limped off to try and get back up to speed. By the next day I felt better and by Thursday I felt back to normal.

I am planning on doing another marathon on April 24th. The OKC Marathon was rated as the most inspirational marathon by Runner’s World magazine. And there is a local support team in Shawnee. (Hi, Tim!) Sounds like a winner. I am doing a 5K program and doing a 5K on December 12th. Goal: Beat 26:00, which is Jeremiah’s best. We’ll see.

December 13th will be the beginning of the 18-week marathon program. Hopefully, the Fat Man Shuffle will start to resemble running.


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