Almost Done...
I went on my 12 mile run and based on the suggestions from my previous post, I tried 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall. First, the good news. It is actually an up tempo song and my pace actually picked up during all renditions. The bad news is that it took less than two miles to get through all 99 verses.
I then went to the 12 Days of Christmas. I don’t know the words. I have the urge to make each verse “Lords a Leaping”. Anyway, since I’m willing to stuff two syllables where only one belongs, I tried writing my own lyrics. Some references are more obscure than others, depending on how much of a runner you are/were. And here I present:
The 12 Miles of the Training Run
On the 12th mile of my training run, my true love gave to me:
12 shiny medals,
11 race T-shirts,
10 Porta-potties,
9 minutes of walking,
8 EKGs,
7 miles of country roads,
6 side aches,
5 GOLDEN stopwatches,
4 GU gels,
3 Powerades,
2 bloody nipples,
And a pair of running shoes.
Next Saturday is only 8 miles and then next week is the real thing. The Marine Corps Marathon. Semper Fi!
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