Running Mantra
Kathy Mattea has a song where she sings about “18 Wheels and a Dozen Roses”. It’s a catchy tune. Two weeks ago I sang the chorus over and over while running. The words became 18 Miles and a Dozen blisters. It’s amazing how a simple mantra can get you through 4 hours of running.
This week I had a 20-miler and no mantra. I couldn’t come up with any songs about the number 20. I ended up just trying real hard to just go brain-dead. It worked just as well as a little singing/chanting. Much like life, I can use mindless mantra or join the brain-dead to get through the day.
Anyway, I am starting a 3-week taper in preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon on October 31st. That means my “long run” this week is only 12 miles. I’m open for suggestions about any “12” songs that I can butcher the lyrics to and get through about 2.5 hours of running. Thanks.
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