Saturday, November 06, 2004

First, The Election

I have several little posts I’d like to make about my marathon. But first, my two cents on the election. To all of the people in my liberal family, I told you so. Once again, the democrats have overreached and tried to elect some “liberal”. The Democrats lost this election back in the beginning of the year when they nominated Kerry.

Back then, I summed up the election by saying that the Democrats had a choice of ’72 or ’92. In 1972, the Dems put George McGovern, the anti-war candidate, up for slaughter against Nixon. In 1992, they nominated a middle of the road, southern, sweet-talking Governor from Arkansas. He knew that it was the “Economy, stupid.” What was his name again?

So the Democrats, like a moth to the fire, chose the anti-war Kerry instead of the “two economic worlds” message of Edwards. (Even Wesley Clark would have had a better chance than Kerry.) So while it gives me no pleasure, I get to say I told you so.

For those Dems looking for the silver lining, EVERYTHING that happens in the next four years will rest at the feet of the Republicans. Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.

Finally, here’s a little brain teaser for you. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Clinton, and Colin Powell have very similar political views…and none of them fit neatly into either party. Where is the party that stands for a moderate world view, fiscal responsibility, and has a liberal social view? When those three form that party, wake me up. I’ll be first in line to join.


At 9:37 AM, Blogger Todd said...

Generally, I believe in term limits. The downside is that they aren't always applied evenly. One of the few advantages that little states like Wyoming has is the seniority of their Senators and Representatives. Simpson wielded a lot of power based on seniority. So states that have term limits could hurt themselves since they will never have seniority against states that don't.

But the positive side is a certain amount of fresh blood. Any more than eight years as president could be dangerous to their health and correspondently to the country. (Unless of course you spend half of the year on vacation at Crawford. Then maybe you can last a long time. My cynicism is acting up.)

With that said, I'm in Colin Powell's corner. I believe him to be the closest thing to an honest broker with the coutry's best interest at heart. Let's face it, the Dems and Reps both are in the pocket of somebody. Colin is the best we got. Therefore, he will never run. : )

Oh shit. I just wrote that whole thing and realized you meant Hillary, not Bill. Personally, I like her. She is more liberal than her husband, but not as liberal as a lot of people make her out to be. But I doubt she could get elected.


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