Friday, February 17, 2006

It's Funny!

I have to weigh in on the Cheney thing. I know there was a wave of sentiment about how none of these jokes would be funny if the lawyer died. Wrong. It would be funny no matter what happened.

Someone wants to hunt, go for it. At some level, all non-vegetarians are hunters. There is a thin line between killing an animal for your benefit and taking joy in it. I guess I just never understood how people took that step across the line to blood lust, but I can live with it. But canned hunts step across the line. In fact, they take a corporate jet into a whole new territory.

These guys basically went skeet shooting with caged animals and ended up shooting each other. It's better than watching "Stupid Criminals". The only hole that I see in evolution theory is that sometimes these yahoos pass on their DNA before going hunting.


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