Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Biggest Douche

There is an episode of South Park where they declare that John Edwards, the psychic, is the Universe's biggest douche. Well, I think it is time for this year's nominations. Leading my list is Fabian Basabe, hands down. Have you seen Cattle Drive - Filthy Rich? Fabian Basabe is a douche. Let me repeat that. Fabian Basabe is a douche. I'm basically saying that Fabian Basabe is a douche so that I will be the top Google hit for "Fabian Basabe douche".

Well, that, and he is a douche. Have you seen such a big crybaby? If the final episode shows the cowboys stomping his whiny ass in the ground, it will be Christmas in September. Today he talked about the nanny he got fired because he didn't want to eat his vegetables. I hope it was actually for something else, because I would hate to think that this poor person lost their job because Fabian Basabe hates carrots. What a douche!

Does anyone have a nomination that is a bigger douche than Fabian Basabe? I didn't think so.


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