Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

Today, I was faced with a dilemna and hopefully I will come to a decision soon. I'm not sure if it is my OCD, but I tend to build routines around everything. Getting a soda from the machine? You betcha. Put in $2 and a 20 oz diet Coke and .75 come flying out of the machine. Which to get first? The soda, of course. I have 1.25 invested and I need to protect my heaviest investment. Makes sense, right? Until today.

As I reached for the soda, one of the quarters made an escape and rolled across the floor. Whoa, that poses a big risk to my "receiving change" investment. So on one hand, the soda is the bigger investment that needs to be protected, but by doing so I raise the potential of losing a quarter or two. I hate to admit I'm wrong, but I think I need to start getting the change first, since the soda is pretty secure. It's going to be a tough habit to break.


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